Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Grace of God through heartache

All of my life I have prayed for the chance to become a mother. I have been blessed to have a wonderful mother, grandmothers, and other maternal figures in my life. This dream has been one that I have shed many of tears over thinking that the day would never come.

On September 7, 2016 I was given that opportunity I have prayed for. My husband and I took a home pregnancy test and it told us that we indeed were expecting. After confirming it with the doctor’s office a week later we began the game that society has taught us. Do we tell our family and friends or do we keep this joyous news a secret?

For some reason, today’s society thinks that it is very taboo to speak of being with child prior to the conclusion of your first trimester. Yet, we have modern medicine to help us know that we are expecting and research to show that you should start prenatal visits earlier in your pregnancy. By society standards this means that we are supposed to keep our family and friends in the dark about why we are going to the doctor so much the first 1/3 of our pregnancy.  We are not supposed to speak of the morning sickness, or the change in our moods, or the weird things that happen with our bodies. Why is this, because of the fear that something may happen?

I am here to say, that sometimes things do happen, and when they do, is it better to suffer in silence or to have a support system? On September 28, 2016 the doctor confirmed our worst fears, we miscarried. I have learned that there are approximately 5,000,000 miscarriages in a single year.

We lost what God had granted us, but did we really? You see I am an Orthodox Christian and what I discovered was how wonderful our faith is in these times. We believe that a baby has life at the time of conception. I became a mother the minute that baby started developing, and even though our baby did not get to enter this world like we had hoped, our baby is now in heaven being raised by Mary, what better mother is there?  In the Orthodox church we offer communion anytime we have divine liturgy. Since that is at least every Sunday, through me, my baby received the body and blood of Jesus Christ the Sunday before he went to be with our Lord and Savior.

Not only were these blessing granted to us, and many others, but because I shared our pregnancy with our priest, when we did miscarry, we were able to go to the church and have the priest say the forgiveness prayer for us. This prayer was one of the most beautiful prayers that I have heard. It is a prayer to help protect me as mom from the devil and his trickery of trying to break you down and make you think that you did something wrong. This prayer is something that I feel any woman who has gone through a miscarriage should speak with her priest about.

Had I not shared about our pregnancy, then I would not have been inclined to share about our miscarriage. Those that have known about it have prayed for us, and we have received blessings through it. Why would you not share in the joy and heartache that is life. My physical and emotional pain was no greater and no less because of telling someone that we were expecting. When the time comes that we see those blue lines again, I have a feeling that we will share just as quickly as we did this time.

I pray that more women, if they feel so inclined, share their great blessings with those in their lives. That they don’t let society dictate how they live their life as an expecting mom. It is ok to feel heartache, but know that God is showing you blessings at the same time. My husband and I are closer because of this, we know that we can conceive, and that I am now a mother.

Glory to God for showing us so many beautiful things, even through heartache!

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